Front teeth often breaks

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Post   » Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:30 am

I have a small flok off three females that live together, and two of them have started to continuously break their front teeth.

They have both been to the vet to have the broken teeth removed because they broke below the gums. This have happened a couple of times, and sometimes I have noticed teeth breaking and just falling out. This has been going on for something like 6 months or so. I have talked to the vet, and they think it might have something do with the girls biting on the bars of the cage when they are excited about food. While it might be the reason, it just seems weird to me that this is the first time we are really seeing this. We have had guinea pigs for more than 8 years and they do sometimes bite the bars, but not that much I think. After talking to the vet about this, I have become really observant regarding them biting the bars, and I don't think I've seen it more than a couple of times, but the teeth are still breaking every now and then /:

The vet suggested me to put plexiglas on the sides of the cage where they usually bite into the bars. This might be a solution, but I don't know how to make something like that. I really like to be able to communicate with the girls through the bars and put my fingers inside to say hello, but I suppose I could live without that. I'm just really mystified about this whole thing to be honest. Are their teeth getting weaker with age or something?

I'd like to hear your thoughts and maybe get some advice on how to proceed.

And got the T-shirt

Post   » Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:33 am

Plexiglass kept my cage biter from ruining her teeth, and there's not much "making" to it. Just measure the height and lengths of plexiglass you need (usually just the part closest to the kitchen or wherever you feed them -- I only covered one end of my cage). Go to a home improvement store and have them cut the plexiglass for you if you're not comfortable using a saw. Drill holes in the corners of the plexiglass and zip-tie it to the cage. Voila! you're done!

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Post   » Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:58 am

Plexi-glass also helped keep my pigs from chewing on the bars (not to mention keeping cat's paws from reaching through). Which reminds me, I have a couple of new spots to cover...

Good luck.

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Post   » Tue Oct 16, 2018 10:40 am

Also review their diet to make sure they are getting all the nutrients they need.

Clint The Cuy

Post   » Wed Oct 17, 2018 5:27 pm

Another thing to consider is that their molars (cheek teeth) are out of alignment which could cause incisors to break. When your vet examined them, did they have a good look at their molars too?

It’s more probable that it is the cage since it’s 2/3 pigs. Just something to consider if the cage fixes don’t alleviate the problem.

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