X-RAY - good idea or bad????

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Post   » Thu Mar 28, 2002 10:42 pm

LOL..... i like the brick idea. Hell, forget about the special gloves....... i´d be happy to hold the piggy in place myself..... I´m probably the only one she´d trust anyway.......

but NOOOOOOOO there are "LIABILITY LAWS" that are intended to "protect" me. Total load of crap if you ask me. If I want to expose myself to radiation for the benefit of my pet, I should be allowed to. But that´s a political argument that´s already been lost.

Little Jo Wheek

Post   » Fri Mar 29, 2002 2:13 am

Re: Xrays

Xrays need to be taken after the bones have calcified. I believe (don´t quote me) that it is approximately 2/3 of the way into the pregnancy, therefore, about 6 weeks gestation for a cavy. Other than for a head count or to check for pregnancy in an animal not showing much, there isn´t a real reason to do xrays. They can´t accurately predict problems with delivery. One has to take it when the time comes.

Biological effects are higher for younger animals, that is the fetuses especially. That is why people under 18 are not allowed to take xrays or be in the same room in a vet clinic. Ideally, all operators should be out of the room or as far away as possible. That is why is is nice to sedate certain animals. I WOULD NOT APPROVE OF SEDATING A CAVY FOR ANY XRAY. Why?

There are many things, even without the questionable lead gloves, that can help position and keep a cavy on the plate to get diagnostic pictures! A simple way to do a DV (dorsal-ventral view) is to place the cavy in a paper bag or box. The xrays go through the paper and the pig will not usually move much if it is a small bag/box. No harm done to the pig or the xray tech. No anesthesia. 30 seconds at most! A side view (lateral) is a bit more challenging, but towels, tape, gauze, wooden spoons, gloves, etc. can all be used in various ways to get a good cavy radiograph.

While there are some biological effects to rapidly growing cells and young animals, a single xray will not harm anyone. An xray every day long-term might. People are exposed to natural radiation every day in the environment. They can´t escape all radiation.

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Post   » Fri Mar 29, 2002 3:00 am

I still think that Cream may be a boar... Maybe a "small" boar, if you know what I mean.

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Post   » Fri Mar 29, 2002 6:45 am

Ah, that´s an interesting idea. And then there are supposedly those few pigs with both sex organs......

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