Answers to Questions About Use of Material on Guinea Lynx
Copyright of the written material, printable pdf pages, photographs, and illustrations on this site is retained by the author of the site unless it is contributed by someone else. If another person has contributed the an article or photograph, the contributor retains copyright of the material and you must contact the person who contributed it to reproduce it elsewhere.
May I print a web page out for myself and one for my vet?
Yes. This is called "fair use." Ensure that the page is not altered and retains the copyright notice.
May I print out a copy of the two-page downloadable pamphlet?
Yes, pending email notification.The care pamphlet is designed to be downloaded and distributed (if you care to) pending email notification.
May I print several copies of a web page and hand them out to a class?
Write for permission.
May I print several copies of many pages out and distribute them?
Write for permission. Specify use.
May I save all the files digitally and email them to someone?
May I use the photos on this site in a school project I'm working on?
Write for permission.
May I use the photos or material on this site on another site?
Guidelines for Guinea Lynx Information Use On Other Sites or Forums
QUOTES: You may quote a sentence or two elsewhere only if the source of a quote is attributed and includes a link back to the original material on this site.
LISTS: You may use a list only with permission and a link back to the original material on the site.
PARAPHRASING CONTENT: If the information on this site is used as the primary source of advice or information pages on another site, a link back to the original source is recommended. If using a sentence or two verbatim, be sure to use quotes (as outlined above) and get permission to use lists (with links) where appropriate.
LINKS: Links to are welcome. Links within frames are discouraged. Using target=_blank in your link code opens a new window, leaving your site still open.
You are welcome to use the following code to display a link to this site:
<a href="" target=_blank><img src="guinealynx.jpg" border="0"></a>
All other reproduction, distribution, retransmission, modification, public display, or public performance of materials is prohibited without prior written consent. Use the "Contact Us" link (which can be found at the bottom of every page) if you wish to obtain written consent.
If you are unclear about copyright use or have other questions please write.