Callie - Scratching/Head Shaking


Post   » Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:54 pm

So an update on the vet visit this morning. We went to a cavy and rabbit expert. First Callie. She decided to leave Callie's extra toes alone. They are high on the foot and are causing no problems. She showed me how to cut the nail on that toe. So I'm feeling better about that. Callie had a tag in her ear that was causing bleeding. They used gas anesthesia to remove it. The ear is now infected so they put her on Sulpha/Trimeth for 10 days.

Nibbles. Nibbles has an upper respiratory infection so she is also on Sulpha/Trimeth for 10 days.

The Ivermectin wasn't working, so we are now on Revolution once a month.

I can't post the dosages as my husband took it all home with him but that's it overall. So I'm off to read all the site has on antibiotics and what you do when your guinea is on them.

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Post   » Tue Aug 14, 2018 4:36 pm

You might start here:

Be prepared to hand feed if she loses appetite:


Post   » Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:10 pm

Thanks for the links! That makes it easier. They've been quiet all day, just drinking from what I can tell, but that's pretty normal for them during the day. They start ramping up around 5 or 6 pm. So we'll see what happens then.


Post   » Tue Aug 21, 2018 1:10 pm

Well after a week of antibiotics, and still a few days to go, both are doing great. Callie's ear healed up nicely and Nibbles is sneezing less. They have had one dose of Revolution, and still itch, but it is much less. The vet said guineas can scratch as they grow (she was not on board with mites since there was no hair loss) but either way, there is less scratching so that is good.

No appetite problems though giving them the medicine has been interesting. Callie has a huge mouth/cheek pocket. I can push almost the entire dosage in her mouth before she works on swallowing. Nibbles barely takes any before chomping and licking so it takes a while for her to get it all. Callie is an Aby and Nibbles is an American so maybe their heads are different shapes. Anyway, after a week of this both of them are becoming agitated with the syringe, and I can't blame them, so I'll be glad to get this done and behind us.


Post   » Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:12 pm

Nibbles is still sneezing. In the beginning, it took us a while to identify the sounds she made as a sneeze because they were so soft and I was learning guinea sounds overall. Her sneezes now are louder and sound more like I imagine a sneeze would sound. There is no pattern. She'll sneeze several times while I hold her one time, then hardly at all another time.

Nothing else seems wrong. Her eyes and nose look fine. She eats and drinks normally, plays, runs, squeaks, everything.

I'm thinking for now just holding off doing anything. She's had antibiotics and we have crappy air quality right now. If I see her nose or eyes doing something I'll get her into the vet. But if I don't, how long should I let her sneeze before taking her in?

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Post   » Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:26 pm

If you don't see a reason (dusty bedding, moldy hay, pollen inside the house), I would consider a medical reason instead. A URI is definitely the most likely. Look for other signs, weigh daily right now.

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