I am dedicated to keeping Guinea Lynx going for as long as those people who value it are willing to help pay the basic costs of running the site. This will also depend on my physical and mental health. I give my time freely and only hope to cover hosting/internet and occasional stray expenses.
I normally put up this yearly post in January. However, many things (and procrastination) have gotten in the way so I am doing it now. At this moment in time, only one member has sent a contribution for 2024.
Should any of you wish to support the site, please email me for my home address. Checks work best since I am no longer using Paypal.
An easy, pain-free way to support the site is to use the Amazon Affiliate link found at the bottom of every forum page! Anyone who starts their Amazon shopping by clicking on that affiliate link before they make their purchases helps financially (at no cost to you). Last year's affiliates earnings contributed $180.54 toward running the site, perhaps not much but it helps. This year's affiliate contributions will likely be about the same.
Guinea Lynx' Amazon Affiliate Link
As a thank you for any donation received, I can add a short line of text under your avatar/board name - "Supporter in '24" or one of your own choosing. Please remind me if I forget to ask (this is my official apology if I forget!)
While this may be a request for support, I also offer a very sincere thanks to all of you who come to read and post. I am especially indebted to members who answer questions about guinea pig care and monitor the medical board. Some of you know more than I do!!
I am proud of the difference you all make in the lives of guinea pigs and in each other's lives - sometimes in wonderful and unexpected ways. You provide the inspiration I need to keep going!