Guinea Lynx recommends avoiding any sort of milk products when handfeeding orphaned cavy pups, or newborns that are failing to thrive. Cavies do not do well on other milk and milk replacement products, and using them may cause GI upset and diarrhea. Oxbow's Critical Care or a pellet mash are better for herbivores.
- Newborn doing worse--help with feeding: How much?!
Discussion of handfeeding options for a newborn guinea pig. The dangers of using milk and milk replacement products are examined. - What to supplement with?
Newborn guinea pig is not nursing. Critical Care is safer than milk and milk replacement products. - Please Help! my 5 day old orphaned guinea pig refuses to eat
The story of five newborn, orphaned pups. Includes the dangers of feeding milk replacement products. - Direct link to Josephine's cavy milk vs. formula analysis.
Care Guide: Nutrition
Medical Guide: Hand Feeding Young Pups
Medical Guide: Hand Feeding - Making Pellet Mash